Whangarei Town Basin water front

I Want to Sell My Property

I Want to Sell My Property

How Do I Find the Best Way to Sell a House?

So, you’ve been a property owner for long enough, and you want to sell your house. There’s only one problem: you aren’t sure how to do it. There’s no shortage of amateur real estate advice available via the Internet, but maybe you want to make sure your information is coming from somewhere a little more reliable. If that’s the case, it is in your best interests to seek the help of a real estate professional who can provide you with accurate information on the best way to sell a house. Read more


Team Davis with Harcourts

Why Team Davis Is Your Trusted Real Estate Partner

Why Team Davis Is Your Trusted Real Estate Partner When Selling your House

Are you selling real estate in Northland area or know someone who is selling theirs? If yes, then you’ll be interested in learning what Team Davis can offer; we are professional real estate and property company that continues to help Northlanders sell or buy their dream homes. Recent statistics show that the value of most Northland homes continues to rise even by comparison to the national standards. For instance, the value of homes in the Whangarei has increased year on year for the past 5 years. We can attribute this rise to Northland’s rich culture and marine paradise, plus a tropical-like climate that hardly experiences winter.

At Team Davis, our job is to help you sell your property and make the most out of it, without breaking much sweat. Having been in the property business for many years, we will help appraise the value of your property and proceed to find you the best buyer for your needs. Read more


Team Davis in the vibrant city of Whangarei

How Do I List My House for Sale?

How Do I List My House for Sale?

Common Property Questions Answered by Team Davis

How do I list my property for sale without attracting the usual brokers who’re always lurking, waiting to make a kill out of my property? This dilemma is one of the most frequent questions that most property owners in New Zealand ask themselves. The truth of the matter is that indeed, listing your property for sale is easy and straightforward, especially if you’re working with a reputable real estate agency such as Team Davis. We always cushion our clients and ensure that they maximise their profits by selling their property to the highest bidders. Read more


Energy Efficient Kitchens

Renovations that will add Value to Your Property

Must-Have Updates for an Energy

Efficient and Eco-Friendly Kitchen

Do you want to join the ‘green’ movement and become more energy-savvy and eco-friendly? One of the best places to start is the kitchen. Even though it usually takes up only a small portion of the total square footage of your home, your kitchen wastes a lot of energy and resources! However, having an energy-efficient kitchen that conserves electricity and water is right within your arm’s reach with these easy and practical updates. Read more


A contemporary kitchen design

Contemporary Kitchen Remodel

Contemporary Kitchen Remodel

A Harmonious Marriage of Style and Function

The kitchen is so much more than just a room where you go to prepare and eat your meals. It’s also the place where the entire family gets together at least once every day and, aside from sharing a deliciously prepared meal, share their stories and events of the day that is soon to be behind them. Precisely because of that, every kitchen is a special place and, as such, deserves a special treatment when it comes to style. So, if you’re planning on remodelling your kitchen, here are some interesting ways you can bring together both style and function and tie them in the holy matrimony. Read more
