Why it's important to save water

Why it’s important to save water

Why it’s important to save water

For those of us who are fortunate enough to be able to turn on the tap and get our water, it can be hard to remember that it’s not the same for everyone.

Why it's important to save water

Many people around the world don’t reliably have access to clean, safe water – especially not in the comfort of their own homes. In fact, WaterAid estimates that 703 million people don’t have a clean source close to their home.

It’s clear that water is a precious resource; in addition to the humanitarian aspect, water is also essential for our planet. Let’s dive a little deeper to understand why we all need to be more conscious about our water use.

For the planet

Our world is in a state of climate emergency, with hotter temperatures occurring each year. Whilst we’ve also been subject to milder winters, full of pouring rain, these flash floods aren’t a sustainable source of water – even if we could capture it, it would still need to be treated and cleaned before it was safe for general use, which would have a carbon impact.

Energy is needed to extract water from the lakes and reservoirs it’s stored in, to carry it or pump it to the plant for processing, to complete the cleaning process, and then to move it on to the end destination. Conserving water directly saves energy, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere.

Using less water also has a positive effect on the wildlife Using less water also has a positive effect on the wildlife who we share the planet with. Animals such as otters, birds and fish rely on rivers and lakes, so it’s important to remember that humans are not the only ones that need this vital resource. This is particularly true in New Zealand, a country that is famed for its beautiful waterways.

For others

There’s not an unlimited supply of water – if you leave the tap running, that has a direct impact on other people, even if you don’t realize it. We all need to share this resource fairly, or else we risk it becoming something that only a small fraction of the population have unrestricted access to.

It’s not just about drinking waterIt’s not just about drinking water, either. We need water for everything from washing ourselves to keeping food crops alive. If there’s not enough to go around, it will directly impact food supplies and therefore the price of the food we’re able to purchase.

Additionally, many of the indigenous populations in New Zealand have a historic relationship with water, and the nature it sustains. Respecting this and not squandering water, no matter where it comes from, is vital for supporting these communities.

For cost savings

From a practical point of view, saving water is also important for saving money. For those on a water meter, leaving the tap running whilst you brush your teeth or having a long shower will literally cost you more money per month. Being more mindful of your water use in the home is a quick and easy way to reduce your monthly bills.

On a wider scale, the more water that passes through the cleaning plant, the more energy it uses, and the more it costs the water company. In time, this means they will raise their prices – affecting everyone, regardless of whether they waste water or not.

By taking small steps, we can all be more mindful of the water we use. Respect it as a valuable resource, and don’t take it for granted.

By Claire Monroe

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