The Harcourts Values
Most large companies have a range of Statements that are supposed to declare how they will operate or act in certain areas of their business, however sadly for a lot of companies these just sit in a draw. But we at Harcourts have a great set of values that we live and breath by in all parts of our Business and Activities, they are straight forward and all embracing. These are displayed prominently on our office walls and we focus on them daily and we regularly recognise our team members for excelling in practicing them.
People First
Companies don’t succeed, people do. As an organisation we understand that our success is all about people – our team and our clients. We must never lose sight of the ‘people’ being at the centre of everything.
Doing the Right Thing
There is never a right time to do the wrong thing. We all know instinctively what the right thing to do is, and so our focus is always to make the right decision, and to always do the right thing
Being Courageous
It takes courage to always do the right thing, to always tell the truth and simply be the best at what we do. It takes courage to change career, to open a new office, to enter a new market or country. Every day we must as an organisation and as individuals, act with courage.
Fun and Laughter
We spend a significant part of our lives in our profession – we must never forget that the journey is the most important thing, not necessarily the destination. Having fun and laughter along the way as well as ensuring the people around us do, will ensure we create a life worth living.
Our Clients and Customers are the ones we value most who recognise these values and who have voted for Harcourts as their MOST TRUSTED BRAND IN REAL ESTATE.
Harcourts has been voted by ordinary New Zealanders from around New Zealand has their Most Trusted Brand
The Most Trusted Brand in Real Estate
Harcourts has been voted by ordinary New Zealanders as their MOST TRUSTED REAL ESTATE BRAND 12 YEARS RUNNING. A truly amazing achievement and one that is deserving of your attention. Our thanks to all those who voted.
Trust is an emotion that fuels our decision whether we are conscious of it or not. It is that intangible quality that signals reliability and integrity. Whether it is a product or service, trust is what reassures us that we are making the right choice. Cost, quality and desirability are all important factors for consumers. Yet it’s vital for a brand to stay true to its promises. While brands come in and out of vogue, those that capture our attention, maintain our confidence and win over our trust do so by holding fast to their core principles.
A trusted brand enjoys international appeal, yet at the same time upholds a strong local connection. It has individual relevance for all its consumers, just about anywhere and in any culture.